Color It!™ 2.3 has been supplied by MicroFrontier Inc for inclusion on MACFORMAT December 1995 CD-ROM and is given away free with that issue of the magazine. The software should not be distributed or sold to third parties.
Color It!™ 2.3 cannot be run from CD-ROM. To install the software simply drag the Color It!™ 2.3 folder on to your hard drive.
The Color It!™ 2.3 manual is suplied in software format. This should enable you to use the software effectively. Unfortunately, neither Mac Format or MicroFrontier are able to provide any further technical support on this version of the software.
Color It!™ 3.0
Upgrades are available to NEW Color It!™ 3.0 which offers a range new and powerful features including:
Fully-native PowerPC version
CMYK Four-colour separation
RGB Channel Editting
Extrude and Dropshadow filters
User-defined Undo levels(up to 16)
Levels and Curves filters
Unsharp Masking filters
Bezier Brush Tool
Kernel Brush Tool
Crop Tool
Live filter Previews
Palettes combined to save screen space and much more.
See MACFORMAT December 1995 issue for full details and pricing.